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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Zodiac Dating free ?

The Alpha phase is free, in future the free tier will allow only a limited number of analysis per day. 

What is romantic compatibility ?

A relationship consists of attraction and compatibility. Attraction is whether the two of you can get the fire started. Compatibility is how good you are at collecting wood to keep it alight. Zodiac Dating analysis gives an idea of how things will go over months and years.

I'm dating a stunning woman but we only score 25%, should I break up with her ?

A low score indicates two possibilities. Either you will find it difficult to resolve problems or there is a toxic dynamic. Go with your instinct, you will probably have to work hard to keep the relationship going and stay alert to serious issues.

I've been out with this guy I really like, we score 88% but he doesn't seem interested, should I forget him ?

High romantic compatibility indicates the two of you can bring something to each others' lives, even if its not romance. Stay in contact, the relationship will likely be a blessing.

How is the score calculated ?

Traditionally harmonious and conflicting alignments are rated for romance and summed across a sample of people. The percentage is where your coupling falls in that distribution i.e. a score of 1% indicates you will find it easier to maintain a relationship with 99% of other people.

We're thinking of moving in together but the analysis doesn't seem very good

Zodiac Dating analysis is great as an instant estimate but if things are getting serious, its worth getting a detailed report from a professional astrologer.

There's this guy hanging around telling me we're soulmates with 99% but I really don't fancy him.

Be a good friend; encourage him to get down the gym, get a better job, don't play so many video games etc. and see if he levels up !

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