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Our Mission

Zodiac Dating brings you easy access to astrological compatibility analysis that can help you make better decisions about your love life.


Our analysis helps you look behind early impressions and curated profiles. It does not predict attraction, it helps identify mid- to long-term compatibility, typically from 1 month onward.

About Astrology

Astrology is the ancient practice of using the positions of stars, planets and now asteroids to help us understand our life's journey.


Planets and asteroids govern different aspects of our personality with effects depending on their position in the sky. At the moment of birth, our personality can be identified by knowing these positions - consequently, two people can be analysed for compatibility.

Beautiful View

Attraction and Compatibility

Zodiac Dating evaluates compatibility - not attraction.


Some challenging aspects are attractive at first but over time become irritating or even toxic. Other aspects are harmonious, which promotes compatibility, but do not inspire attraction. And, of course, some aspects are both attractive and harmonious.


A high compatibility score indicates someone you will find easier to get along with long-term in either of the following ways:-

  • Your interactions are more harmonious

  • You achieve more together than as individuals


A low compatibility score is someone with whom you will find difficult to maintain a long-term relationship.

How Is It Done ?

  • Select Profiles from the menu

  • Create an account if required

  • Create a profile with your date of birth etc.

  • Use + to create another profile for someone you know

  • OR ask someone to scan your QR code


Personal information is kept private when scanning QR codes​


We calculate an overall compatibility percentage based on traditional harmonious and challenging aspects between the planets and over 30 asteroids.


There is a 3 or 10 paragraph summary of the most significant qualities of the relationship.


Research & Development

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

― Nikola Tesla


One of the greatest inventors of the modern age, much of Nikola Tesla's work was ahead of its time. Like him, we also recognise there are many discoveries yet to be made. Astrology is not an accepted science, the levels of research have been superficial and insufficient, yet theories tie into quantum physics and understanding is from ancient civilisations.


We will give 10% of our profits to scientific research, particularly the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience and archaeology.

In Development

  • Member Profile Pictures

  • Member Search

  • Detail Analysis

  • Website Performance 

Compass Pointing North

My Story


My name is Daniel and from a young age I have been interested in the spiritual and the esoteric. At school I excelled in mathematics and found a natural career in computer programming. However, I maintained astrology as a hobby.


Over the years my observation is that astrology is an accurate tool in identifying personal traits and, consequently, the dynamics between two people. I wrote a computer program to help me perform analysis, there are so many planets and asteroids, as a human its easy to miss important alignments. Then I decided to create an API and website so that everyone can have access to that analysis. Its a useful tool to highlight the most important aspects of a relationship, especially in the early stages when there are so many unknowns. Of course, its no substitute for making an effort, but it gives an indication of how much effort you'll have to put in to make a relationship successful.


I hope you enjoy it.

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